Dr. Jocelyn Talbot
Dr. Audrey Drapeau

450 455-1300

First Visit

The initial visit is a discussion where we will inform you on the benefits that orthodontics could bring to your oral health. We will be happy to answer all of your questions. You can then share your expectations in a friendly atmosphere.

We will discuss different treatment options with you, along with duration and costs. If necessary, our qualified staff will help you with the logistics of your insurance company to facilitate your access to orthodontic care.

What you should know…

The orthodontist has great expertise to advise you on different techniques to correct the position of your teeth and to improve your occlusion. In addition to having completed studies in dental school, he must have completed an additional 2 to 3 years full time in a specialized, accredited university program.

Whether your dentist has referred you or it is a personal choice, you can contact us to get an initial consultation at our clinic. No referral is required.

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